Category Archives: National Politics


I’ve been swamped lately, and one of your peers, Naomi Simpson, has offered to help construct blogs that can stimulate productive argument. Kudos to Naomi! Here’s her first proffering: On March 13th, the United States House of Representatives passed a … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics, Pop Culture, Social Media | 20 Comments

Burning Down the House

Politics has often been called the art of compromise. However, far right legislators in the House and the Senate have decided that ideology matters more than anything else. Sen. Tommy Tuberville has blocked military promotions because he does not want … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics | 6 Comments

Hero or Villain?

Last week, Jack Teixira, a 21-year-old National Guardsman, leaked military secrets that could damage the efforts of Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression. It will certainly damage the reputation of the United States with its allies, and could help … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, National Politics | 28 Comments

All Work and No Play Isn’t Necessarily Stupid, But Might Be Inhuman

I was a child entrepreneur. I loaded up paints and stencils in my wagon and painted street numbers on curbs. I mowed grass and raked leaves. I babysat. When I was old enough–15, which was also old enough to drive–I … Continue reading

Posted in Education, National Politics, Pop Culture | 22 Comments

Energy Wherever You Are

Russia recently fired a shot that landed outside the border of Ukraine: pipes carrying gas to Poland and Bulgaria, two of Ukraine’s staunchest allies, have been shut off for refusal to remit payment in rubles. Leaders of other European countries … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, National Politics | 20 Comments

Balances of Power

Students have watched closely as Russia invaded a neighbor in a manner every bit as brazen as the start of the world’s last thirty-year war, Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Some have worried whether or not other nations will be pulled … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics, Social Media | 7 Comments

The Arbery Trial

On February 23, 2020, Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old African-American male, caught the attention of two white men, Travis and Gregory McMichael, who saw him jogging through their Glenn County, Georgia neighborhood. They thought he was a thief and pursued him … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics, National Politics, Race in Mississippi | 16 Comments

Vigilante Justice

Texas Senate Bill 8 not only criminalizes abortions performed after the detection of a fetal heartbeat, but also allows anyone to sue parties associated with the procedure, from the drivers who take women to clinics to the medical professionals who … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics | 22 Comments

The Delta Spike

Mississippi has run out of Intensive Care Unit beds. Arkansas had only 8 available. Neighboring states are no better off. Incredulity has replaced the optimism I felt after C19 vaccines became available. Why must we continue to deal with this … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics, Politics, Science | 21 Comments

In Search of Common Ground

Before Biden, the last two men who won the presidency as Democrats made improvements to the health care system foundational to their platforms. Pres. Biden, of course, has the coronavirus to address. However, once that crisis is in the rearview … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics, Politics, Science | 4 Comments