Author Archives: admin

That’s a Wrap

The blog will close for the summer at 4:00 tomorrow. Seniors, you may use the space below to share final words of wisdom with your juniors. Juniors, you now have the opportunity to make predictions for next year.

Posted in MSMS Stuff | 4 Comments

Learning Inside the Classroom and Out

Over 800 college students from around the country have been arrested during protests of the conflict between Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Israel. How should universities balance the right to free speech with the institutional need to avoid interruptions to instructional … Continue reading

Posted in Education | 8 Comments

Looking to 2026

This weekend we will greet members of MSMS’ Class of 2026 during New Student Orientation. Help them out! What constructive advice would you give them regarding classes to take? Extra-curricular opportunities they shouldn’t miss? Choosing a roommate?

Posted in Education, MSMS Stuff | 20 Comments


I’ve been swamped lately, and one of your peers, Naomi Simpson, has offered to help construct blogs that can stimulate productive argument. Kudos to Naomi! Here’s her first proffering: On March 13th, the United States House of Representatives passed a … Continue reading

Posted in National Politics, Pop Culture, Social Media | 20 Comments

Lies, Damned Lies, and Social Media

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court heard arguments regarding whether or not social media platforms have the right to moderate content. First Amendment purists seem to believe that such platforms have become the equivalent to a 19th Century town square; … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Social Media, Uncategorized | 12 Comments

At Long Last, the Blog is Back…

…and we have plenty to talk about. The easiest item to discuss involves Mississippi SB 2715, which would authorize the move of MSMS to MSU and give MDE power to have MSMS “collaborate” with the Starkville Oktibbeha Consolidated School District … Continue reading

Posted in Education, MSMS Stuff | 13 Comments

Focus on Focusing

Like most poets, Robert Hass advises us to be wary of the “steady thoughtlessness / of human use.” For Hass, this admonition turns into praise for those who cook beloved, time-consuming recipies, or leave thoughtful notes of thanks to the … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Ethics | 10 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving

MSMS faculty do their best not to weigh students down with heavy assignments over Thanksgiving break. Just so I know you’re still using your critical faculties, let me know something about the art you see while you’re away from campus. … Continue reading

Posted in Arts | 11 Comments

And the Winner Was/Will Be?

Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley and Gov. Tate Reeves squared off in a debate last night. I know most of you aren’t yet old enough to vote, but I encourage you to watch it. Who won the debate? Which candidate … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 5 Comments

My Tank is Empty Blog

It has been two weeks since I last posted. Several of you have asked for new opportunities to blog, but I’m drawing blanks. I have no idea what y’all are willing to argue about right now. Leave me some ideas–ideas … Continue reading

Posted in MSMS Stuff | 10 Comments