Dramatic Performance is designed to introduce the student to the fundamentals principles of acting theory. The course can be helpful for anyone who may be entering a field where vocal and physical performance is of importance: teachers, newscasters, lawyers, executives, and sales persons. Your first assignment in this class consists of selecting the two one-act plays that the class will produce this semester. I urge you to find plays whose rights cost $100 or less—free is best!—which means that adaptations of Rent and Into the Woods should be ruled out immediately. NATURE OF COURSE CONTENT:The course will consist of lectures and of active student involvement. Students will participate in daily vocal and physical exercises designed to meet the stated objectives; participation will be assessed daily. Students will perform individual pieces in the classroom as assigned by the instructor. Students must attend all class performances. Your assessment for each segment of the course will consist of your character study, rehearsal, and actual performance. COURSE OBJECTIVES:1) To introduce and/or expand the students understanding of acting as an artistic means of expression through the use of movement, improvisation, voice, and imagination2) To lead the student to a better understanding of body wisdom and its relationship to overall performance3) To analyze written texts4) To explore texts as source for character development5) To provide student with opportunities to combine all factors in performance. COURSE GOALS: After completing FA531/532, the student should be able to:
· Select appropriate material for a variety of specific performance opportunities
· Analyze texts and understand meaning intellectually
· Choose movement and gesture appropriate to the selected text
I hope that you find this work to be interesting, if not downright exciting. However, should you find what we do to be utterly dull, pretend it is the most thrilling thing since we got our own stage. Ask questions during class. Stay awake, as we may change our pace at my discretion. Come to office hours.
9 Course introduction
14 Research
16 Improvisation/Research
21 Improvisation/Research
23 Improvisation/Research
28 Improvisation/Research
30 Voting on the plays; improvisation
4 Casting for Play 1/improvisation
6 Table reads/improvisation; Character Study due
11 Table reads/improvisation
12 A Night at the Improv
13 Work on play 1
18 Work on play 1
20 Work on play 1
25 Work on play 1
27 Work on play 1
2 Work on play 1
4 Work on play 1; Traveling Science Carnival
9 Work on play 1
10 PLAY 1
11 Casting for Play 2; End of Q1
16 Table reads
18 Table reads/character study due
23 Science Carnival
25 Work on Play 2; Math Superstars
30 Work on Play 2
1 Work on Play 2
6 Work on Play 2
8 Work on Play 2
13 Work on Play 2
15 Work on Play 2
27 Work on Play 2
29 Work on Play 2
4 Work on Play 2
5 PLAY 2
6 Strike Set
11 Strike Set