University British Literature

So. . .here’s what we’re up to this semester. . .

7              Course introduction

9              Personal statement workshop

12           Personal statement workshop; Thank-you note due

14           Beowulf

16           Beowulf

19           Beowulf

21           Beowulf

23           Selections from Thomas Wyatt the Elder

26           Selections from Phillip Sidney, Astrophel and Stella

28           Local scholarship search

30           Local scholarship search; Extended


3              Essay 1 due; review

5              Test 1

9              Shakespeare, sonnet selections

11           Shakespeare, sonnet selections

13           Shakespeare, sonnet selections

16           College View

18           Hamlet

20           Hamlet

23           Hamlet

25           Hamlet

27           Hamlet

30           Twelfth Night


2              Twelfth Night

4              Twelfth Night; Review

7              Test 2

9              Research paper seminar

11           Research paper seminar; End of Q1; Extended Schedule

16           PSAT

18           Research paper seminar

21           Swift, “A Modest Proposal”; Research paper due

23           Swift, selections from Gulliver’s Travels

25           Swift, selections from Gulliver’s Travels

28           Swift, selections from Gulliver’s Travels

30           Swift, selections from Gulliver’s Travels


1              Behn, Oroonoko

4              Behn, Oroonoko

6              Behn, Oroonoko

8              Equiano, selections from Narrative

11           Equiano, selections from Narrative

13           Review

15           Test 3

18           Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer

20           Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer

22           Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer; Early release


2              Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer

4              Sheridan, The Rivals

8              Sheridan, The Rivals

9              Sheridan, The Rivals

11           Sheridan, The Rivals

13           Review

Required policy statements:

Title IX: Mississippi University for Women recognizes the inherent dignity of all individuals and promotes respect for all people.  The University is committed to creating an educational and learning environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual violence (assault, domestic violence, dating violence and gender-based stalking).  To learn more about the University’s policy on sexual misconduct, how to make a report, or confidential resources, go to  The Title IX Coordinator is located in Cochran Hall, Room 405, and may be contacted by phone at 662-241-6083 or email at

Americans with Disabilities Act: The University is committed to providing equitable access to learning for all students.  The Student Success Center is the campus office that collaborates with students who have disabilities (e.g. physical, sensory, chronic health, learning, attentional, mental health) and arranges for reasonable accommodations to be implemented.  It is the responsibility of students requesting accommodations to make an appointment with the Student Support Specialist to review specific needs, participate in the development of an Accommodation Plan by providing appropriate documentation, and discuss with the instructor how the Accommodation Plan will be applied in the course.  Accommodations are not retroactive and a new Accommodation Plan must be reviewed, signed and presented to instructors each semester. The Student Support Specialist is located in Reneau Hall, Room 101(B), and may be contacted by phone at 662.329.7138 or email at

Academic Integrity

All Mississippi University for Women students are expected to engage honestly and responsibly in their academic work and to refrain from any dishonest academic behavior. Violations of Academic Integrity include cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or other actions that violate commonly accepted intellectual and ethical standards within academic and scientific communities. Violations of Academic Integrity can lead to severe penalties, from a zero grade for a test or assignment to expulsion from the University. Academic Integrity applies to work in progress as well as completed work. If you are uncertain about the proper procedure to follow when citing a source, working in a team with other students, or any other coursework situation please ask your instructor, a librarian, or a resource like the Writing Center for help. To learn more about the university’s standards of Academic Integrity, including what happens if your instructor believes that you have engaged in dishonest academic behavior and your rights to appeal such a charge, please consult section 7.2 of the Undergraduate Bulletin.

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