As you know, UComp sections get to select the topics they’ll study for their in-class essays at the end of the semester. The 10:00 section decided to study the ethics of gender affirmation surgery; the noon section will address capital punishment; the 2:00 section will examine assisted suicide.
If you find links to excellent articles about any of these subjects, please share them here. Thanks!
Not an article but an interesting video discussing abortions in cases of fetal abnormality, assisted suicide, euthanasia, standard of substituted judgment, sacredness of life, importance of life quality, personal liberty and avoiding pain.
Assisted Death & the Value of Life
The following article is on assisted suicide from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The article discusses the moral permissibility of assisted suicide.
To discuss a topic or politically charged issue, it is important to understand what exactly the nature of the topic is. For the instance of gender affirmation surgery, most people do not actually know what exactly is at play. This webpage can serve as a preliminary explanation of what this discussion entails.
The previous page shows a few links about types of surgeries and procedures that are relevant to this topic. The page itself does not provide definitive explanations, but the terms are there to research.
Really informative article from NPR about the new legislation against gender affirmation surgery. Will bring politics and different views into discussion.
This article is from the U.S. Department of Justice and gives statistics about the death row sentences from 2020. The statistics will allow for a complete understanding of modern-day capital punishments.
Thought this Department of Justice website would be good, as it includes data about capital punishment statistics in 2019 and 2020. It also provides trends and updates in laws regarding capital punishment across different states.
For capital punishment, this website provides a strong argument against the death penalty with an interactive website, multiple links to other articles such as first-hand accounts and informational sites, and unbiased statistics.
For capital punishment:
Whether or not it has a deterring effect. I chose it because it was cited often and contained a lot of statistics within the U.S.:
Reasoning behind the lack of the death penalty in most of Europe:,grave%20violation%20of%20human%20rights.
For the topic of capital punishment, this source analyzes the death penalty from historical and philosophical lenses, focusing especially on the “retribution” justification and utilitarian justifications.
Source regarding capital punishment from Northern Arizona University.
For the subject of capital punishment, this article talks about whether or not capital punishment should be up to us. It also goes into depth about what capital punishment does to the society in general and what the repercussions are after you are convicted.
This is for the topic of gender affirmation surgery; the author argues that the surgery is moral while providing reasoning of Kantian autonomy and more details on gender identity disorder.
For the capital punishment topic, I have used this website for personal research that addresses the issue of killing innocent people on death row.
For the capital punishment topic, I have used this website for personal research that addresses the issue of killing innocent people on death row.
Here is a link to a website which explains how Canada runs their assisted suicide program.
Although the time has passed to provide us with in-class readings, I found a really well articulated study that surveyed US physicians and the legalization of physician-assisted suicide. I used this article to build a foundation of my knowledge on the physician’s point of view.
Assisted Suicide Resources:
This paper is a systematic review of the outcomes of gender affirmation surgeries.
This is a gender-affirming systematic review as well.
This is an article regarding assisted suicide and is filled with everything there is to know about to subject!